Thursday, May 17, 2012


There is arguably nothing as special a birth of a baby-easily one of the most important and magical times in a person's your life. Your child's birth is certainly not a time for anxiety and fear. However, many new parents are faced with the horrible prospects of their child suffer long-term physical, emotional and financial effects of an injury caused by a negligent doctor during the delivery procedure. To make matters worse, Health Care Providers and Hospitals routinely attempt to cover up their own liability in the child's damages, in an attempt to keep their Insurance premiums low. A more shameful scenario is hard to conceive. San Diego Birth Injury Attorneys are very important to force the offending party to accept liability and be held accountable. 

Of course many births involve minor abrasions or bumps. However, extremely serious injuries to the newborn are often the result of a negligent act or omission by the Health Care Professionals preforming the delivery. A newborn's extreme physical impairment and developmental issues can leave the new parent facing a lifetime of dealing with their child’s new reality caused by needless medical negligence. 

The worst part of it is that these types of birth injuries are unfortunately substantially more common than what you may think.  Many developmental issues, learning disabilities and other serious problems are the result of simple negligence that was covered up by the doctors and nurses who performed the delivery. 

Birth injuries like brain damage due to a lack of oxygen because of the umbilical cord wrapping around the child’s head, cerebral palsy, brachial plexus injures and many more sever health issues are often caused by the negligence of the doctors and a subsequent cover-up and do not become evident until later in the child's life. 

The Law Office of Andrew Stewart is experienced in prosecuting claims for birth injuries and subsequent attempts to cover up the negligence that causes a baby to undergo a lifetime of needless suffering. We understand the incredible heartache and stress you will be forced to endure and we will fight to secure the financial support your injured child needs to deal with the horrible affliction.


Obviously, the medical goal of the birthing process is for a healthy child being delivered without any injury to the mother.  However, even in this modern era, 7 out of every 1000 deliveries involve a serous births injury caused by the preventable negligence of the Health Care Professionals involved in the procedure. In reality, that number is deemed very conservative given the high rate of birth injury cover-ups, which are a standard procedure at some hospitals, especially in the rural south.

Common preventable negligence during labor and delivery include:

            -Excessive force to free a newborn’s shoulder that may be temporarily trapped under the mother’s pubic bone

            -Failure to preform a Caesarian procedure when the medical conditions for a vaginal delivery are not present

            -Improper fetal heart monitoring indicating fetal distress and lack of proper medical reaction once diagnosed

            -Failure to identify and treat compression of the umbilical cord

            -Inappropriate uses and dosages of specific medications to speed contractions and initiate the delivery

            -Misuse of vacuums, forceps or other delivery instruments

            -Failure to properly identify and treat a detached placenta

            -Communication issues among the Health Care Professionals during the delivery


            There are many injuries a baby can suffer at the hands of a negligent doctor. These may include:

            -KLUMPKE’S PALSY- Klumpke's Palsy affects the baby’s arms, wrists and hand. Is commonly referred to “Claw hand syndrome.”

            -ERB’S PALSY- A form of Brachial Plexus Injury, Erb’s Palsy, causes severe damage to the babies upper extremities, causing their arms and hands to become atrophied and weak, often resulting in full blown paralysis.

            -HORNER’S SYNDROM- Another form of Brachial Plexus Injury, Horner’s Syndrome causes severe vision problems. Usually there is a loss of eyelid control, lack of proper pupil to light reaction and the eyes to have an overall sunken in appearance.

            -BROKEN BONES and NERVE DAMAGE- Excessive force during deliver can easily fracture a newborn’s weak bone structure, with broken collarbones the most typical seen.

            -HYPOXIC ISCHEMIC ENCEPHALOPATHY- Brain damage caused by too little oxygen delivered to the baby’s brain during the delivery. This usually causes severe brain damage and subsequent retardation.

            -CEREBRAL PALSY- This horrible affliction is one of the worst, and most common birth injuries and is caused by a lack of oxygen to the baby during delivery. Cerebral Palsy is a collective term for a wide variety of musculature impairments and overall motor skill control. 1 out of every 1000 babies suffers from Cerebral Palsy due to doctor negligence in the United States. The child faces a long life of increased difficulty moving until they are ultimately fully paralyzed. Again, this tragedy is easily avoidable by simple monitoring of the baby’s oxygen levels.

The above-referenced list of horrible, life-altering afflictions are just a few of the injuries routinely caused by Medical Negligence during the delivery.

If your child has suffered from any type of injury during birth, do not count on the doctor being 100% honest with you regarding what caused the injury or what the long-term effects will be. Contact the Law Office of Andrew Stewart to secure the finances you will need to care for your child and to hold the negligent Health Care providers accountable for their actions.  

While every case is different, and there is no way to guarantee a similar result will be obtained, verdicts and settlements that San Diego Birth Injury Attorney Andrew Stewart have obtained in the past are an indication of the experience and success when it comes to serious, catastrophic personal injury cases.

It is time to hold these Heath Care Providers accountable. Call today. 888.959.5963

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